~ my FOT 2012 ~

We arrived at GSP at about 7:30 am. Had breakfast and after that, started to arrange things in the festival office. As time went by, brethren from different places arrived and started to register. I’m happy when I saw my family arrived and of course my best friend.

At exactly 7:30pm, the opening night service started. Yey! 1 point! On time. 😀 From day-1 to the last great day, all the messages I’ve heard were great, inspiring and profitable. 🙂

I also appreciate the Practical Christianity for Singles… Questions and answers much appreciated 🙂

Enjoyed the fruits served during Fruit Festival… Yey! I love Durian and Mangosteen. 🙂 We also had Sports day, everyone played from children to seniors 😉

Sabbath day came and it’s so great. After service, we had a wonderful lunch and Bible study as well. After sunset, we’re getting ready for the Variety Show. Lots of presentations. Yey! Success! Good job everyone. 🙂

Sunday and its Youth Day…it’s not only for the young people but also for the young at heart people. 🙂 I had an opportunity to assist ate Isis in taking care of the little children. Aged 6 y.o and below. I enjoyed a lot. Dealing different personality. Hehehe 😉 We had games, games, games and watched movie – Veggie Tales. And of course, Prizes! 😀 Another successful day! Yey! 🙂

Evening came, time to serve in the Leaders’ dinner. Some youths and singles served. It’s always a nice feeling to serve. And we had a great dinner too.

It’s The Last Great Day and it’s almost the end of the feast. Well, what I’ve heard from some of my friends and new friends I’ve met in the feast was: “farewell, see you again next time“. Sad to hear goodbyes.. But I know we’ll meet again in God’s time… 🙂 So happy to meet them. Ü

What a wonderful feast for me!



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